You might think that you look at the production line of Flight Design, but no it is our own Sportsaircraft Australia with another container load of Flight Design Aircraft. This made it a very busy month for Shaun and Leo with three new planes sold and this container arrival of three CTLS’s in Brisbane and an MC and CTLS in Melbourne and last but not least one CTLS in New Zealand.
Where Flight Design is the absolute top selling light sport aircraft in the USA and Europe , ( have a look at Dan Johnson’s website: ) we had a slow start in Australia and New Zealand. One of the reasons was the fact that due to the high demand in the USA, the production capabilities were at maximum and had to be adjusted to be able to meet market demand in other countries.
We have now seen a big improvement in Australia, where we have sold over 40 aircraft, of which 5 in the last 2 months and we start to see a growing interest in New Zealand with at this time 3 CTLS aircraft registered and flying. With the new CTLS at the high end of the LSA market, and the new MC for the flight schools and aero clubs we are confident that the Flight Design aircraft is without doubt the best LSA aircraft you can fly and buy and will soon be seen at an airport near you.