CTLS – Performance


Performance data is based on an aircraft in good condition and correct settings. Even the smallest adjustments to the controls or the omission of a small piece of fairing can adversely affect aircraft performance. Sufficient reserve should be added to the data given in this handbook to cover all such possibilities.

Performance data for MTOW @ 600 kg (1320 lbs)

Take-off roll flaps 15° 250 m (820 ft)
Take-off distance to clear 50ft obstacle flaps 15° 450 m (1500 ft)

Mowed, level, dry grass runway or pavement (It does not make a noticeable difference on this aircraft)

Take-off speed
flaps 15 : 47 kts CAS
flaps 0° : 54 kts CAS

Best rate-of-climb
flaps 15° : 62 kts CAS (740 ft/min)
flaps 0° : 73 kts CAS (800 ft/min)
flaps -6° : 78 kts CAS (770 ft/min)

Best angle-of-climb
flaps 15° : 61 kts CAS
flaps 0° : 66 kts CAS

Maximum level speed vH
flaps -6° : 134 kts CAS @ 5500 rpm

Maximum range
830 NM @ 97 kts CAS: flaps -6°: @ 4300 rpm : 100nm Reserves

Warning: All performance data are based on standard atmosphere at sea-level and the Neuform CR3-65-47-101.6 propeller. They are also based on the procedures described in the Flight Design CTLS handbook. Higher runway elevations, higher temperatures and other propellers can lead to considerable differences in the data!